NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

You continue to make some ignorant points... Is that what's happening? The NFL is hurting their employees? They're taking a running start at them while they're trying to do some filing or patching some drywall at the training facility??

Or, are these players volineterily and knowingly receiving and dishing out hits with their head repetitively?

you're trying to make a connection that isn't there....

normal people go to work with the reasonable assumption that they will be protected from violance. NFL players go to work with the expectation that they will dish our and receive repetitive, violent abuse to their body. Because of that, it's asinine to think that they would go to the NFL and try to sue them for injuries.

It wouldn't be that hard to include disibility insurance and the option for long term medical insurgence going forward. I think the league is doing that. Now, just go back and take care of players from the past that have serious injuries. Worst case the owners and the players take a 1% pay cut to do what they are doing for today's players. It's not really that difficult once you think about it. Worst case 1.5%. Big deal. We are not talking about 50% of the profits to solve this. If a player can prove brain injury prevents a normal life, pay all their medical bills and give them 75k per year to help support their families... Regardless of how long they were in the league. Just cap the payments at 100g per year and keep the lawyers out of it.