NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

It wouldn't be that hard to include disibility insurance and the option for long term medical insurgence going forward. I think the league is doing that. Now, just go back and take care of players from the past that have serious injuries. Worst case the owners and the players take a 1% pay cut to do what they are doing for today's players. It's not really that difficult once you think about it. Worst case 1.5%. Big deal. We are not talking about 50% of the profits to solve this. If a player can prove brain injury prevents a normal life, pay all their medical bills and give them 75k per year to help support their families... Regardless of how long they were in the league. Just cap the payments at 100g per year and keep the lawyers out of it.

Honestly... Im not against better post career health care, I'm just opposed to suing for injuries inharently part of their job...

I don't like the thoughts of team trainers (which if everyone doesn't understand, are doctors) deceiving or misleading players... BUT!!!! That is all speculation, no one here knows that all the team trainers are corrupt and doing that... I would think they're trying to get the players on the field as quickly as possible but I would suspect that the players are doing the exact same thing and are encouraging the trainers to help them get back on the field.