NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

You are not getting that they are suing for better healtcare. They aren't getting adequate care after retirment (the players who played 10-20+ years ago). That is what the lawsuit is about. The NFL isn't going to do anything until the lawsuit goes through. That is the only recourse that these players have to get what you now admit they need. How many stories of guys who have dementia that have no health insurance and no money left to pay medical bills do you need to hear? Most likely this will turn into a class action lawsuit and each player will get an amount, not 10 million each.

To your point, I doubt there is anything in their contracts that says they agree to get brain damage.

you keep referring to "my point" and saying contracts not saying anything about brain damage... I don't think you understand my point cuz your stuck on something that isn't my point.

I get that the NFL will lose, because our society is so messed up but my point, that you can't seem to get, is these guys chose to hurt themselves and now they want to sue someone else for what they did to themselves... THATS THE POiNT!

as I've said several times, I'm all for giving players better health care but if you think for a second that these guys aren't trying to get millions from the NFL, you're nieve.. Health care might come with it but someone is getting several millions and if it goes the way the players want, there will be many many more who will do the same and if we're lucky, we'll still have some form of football when its done.