NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

you keep referring to "my point" and saying contracts not saying anything about brain damage... I don't think you understand my point cuz your stuck on something that isn't my point.

I get that the NFL will lose, because our society is so messed up but my point, that you can't seem to get, is these guys chose to hurt themselves and now they want to sue someone else for what they did to themselves... THATS THE POiNT!

as I've said several times, I'm all for giving players better health care but if you think for a second that these guys aren't trying to get millions from the NFL, you're nieve.. Health care might come with it but someone is getting several millions and if it goes the way the players want, there will be many many more who will do the same and if we're lucky, we'll still have some form of football when its done.

They may have chosen broken bones and torn ligaments, but I doubt any of them chose brain damage that would make them virtual vegetables at age 50. And have no healthcare to take care of them or their families.

You say you are for giving them better healthcare? How do you propose getting the NFL to do that if not through a lawsuit?

And I repeat, it was not done to them by themselves, it was done to them by the league and the league and owners made a heck of a lot more that players did, especially years ago. These guys are owed something. You seem to think that it's their tough luck because they didn't have guns to their heads to play. That's not the way it works.

But again, your concern is that the league may get hurt financially and have to change the game so it will ruin your entertainment that you can't see guys ram their heads into each other any more.