New Orleans-area Cox Cable service is terrible

>>Thinking about switching to BellSouth for all services over here.

BellSouth sucks too. But absolutely NOTHING is worse than Entergy New Orleans. I'm having lunch with my dad. He said he got a "demand" from them for $171. I asked him what for. He said he paid all his bills up through Katrina and that he hasn't had electricity in his name since. They sent him some unreadable ledger printout that said he owed them the money. He called and spoke with two useless customer support techs. The Supervisor told him to send in his money and that if it was an error (support techs told him they were to keep his account open) they would send him his check back. He sent them the money (to my chagrin) but also sent in a really long and nasty letter, the kind of letters you would love if you were also an attorney.

Entergy's charter should be revoked IMHO.



No more government created monopolies. Free market electricity baby.

I know that's not what you meant.:ezbill: