Was Dan Marino's TD record this sacred ???

So what? The record is his. It doesn't matter what kind of record there is, there are always going to be people that want to minimize it. That's with anything, it's not a Drew Brees-specific phenomenon.

You can't be oversensitive just because there isn't universal butt kissing going on. This is what life is like as a superstar. There are always people that don't want you to be where you are.

But that was my whole point, and it seems to have gotten lost in this thread, that I don't think the same discussions took place when Peyton Manning broke the TD record that Marino set in that same 1984 season... a record that I think should've been considered more sacred based on how far over the previous record he set the bar...

So apparently what DOES matter is WHO breaks the record, at least to the media who report on such things.

I can tell you how much Drew breaking the record meant to me. When Malcolm Jenkins scooped up that fumble I wanted him to stop or fall down or go out of bounds instead of get a touchdown so that there were enough yards left for Drew to throw. I never wanted a Saint to not make a touchdown before ever.

And to add to this, the one play where they ran the ball on the last drive, I was hoping that they got stopped for 1 yard or less, knowing that Drew needed 31 of the 32 possible yards to break the record