Where were these teachers when I was a kid?

and it was a 20-something guy sleeping with a 17-year old girl, you wouldn't have a thread full of guys drooling.

Or would you....:scratch:

No, in all seriousness, the jist of your post is correct. Teenagers are not emotionally mature enough to even fully comprehend what a "relationship" actually entails muchless engage in one. I know some teenagers get married and even have happy marriages, but the success rate is statistically dramatically lower.

So any adult engaging in any kind of relationship with a teenager is, frankly, abusive. Because the teenager just isn't emotionally equipped to handle it, to be a consenting partner. It, at best, demonstrates severe emotional stunting on the adults part and, at worst, demonstrates some perverse idealized fascination with "innocence" and control. Either way, it's not healthy.