Where were these teachers when I was a kid?

When I was in school, since I'm a guy, there was always locker room/lunch table talk about the "hot teacher," and how bad we wanted to hook up with them. And then in college of course I'd hear these stories and have the same reaction as the OP.

But then my first job post-degree was in a high school. I was teaching/working with kids just a few years younger than me. The amount of power/control that a teacher has over a student is pretty incredible, even in a failing school like the one I was in.

After that, I stopped thinking these stories were "awesome" or "hot." They're just sad. If you switched the sexes, and it was a 20-something guy sleeping with a 17-year old girl, you wouldn't have a thread full of guys drooling.

I'm going to flip your story a little bit. my first job, post-degree, was also in a high school, but it was all girls (school's name withheld), and I had juniors and seniors. I had no problem staying in my place, but all those girls saw was fresh meat. Girls were offering sex, money, and everything else they could come up with, just so they could pass the class. My friends, of course, thought I was crazy for not taking up any of the offers, but the way I saw it and presented my response, none of them were going to share my jailtime with me.

Moral of the story though... it's not always the teacher that's the problem.