Where were these teachers when I was a kid?

To answer the OP's original question of "where were these teachers when I was a kid?"
Sadly, they were probably being abused or molested by someone they trusted. There is often a cycle of sexual abuse that is real and it's scary.
These young men and women in positions of authority having sexual relations with the children they are charged with protecting. It's a sad state of affairs.

I'm not speaking of the creepy sicko who abused the elementary kids in the recently posted link, although it's likely, he too was a victim of abuse at some point in his earlier life. I'm talking about the mid-to-late twenties, married with children, educators who are carrying on affairs with pupils under the legal age of consent.

I realize that these types of incidents have happened for ages and that the internet makes it seem much more prevalent today -- but why would a young, educated person throw their careers, reputations, families and marriages away on a superficial relationship with a young pupil?
There is a deeper sickness in these individuals in theses stories.

As a father it's especially troublesome.