How Much of the Severity was Personal between Goodell and SP?

I agree. We may never "know" how much, but past actions indicate he doesn't take being lied to lightly, just ask Mike Vick. IIRC, he flat-out stated that if Vick had been truthful from the beginning on the dog-fighting issue, the suspension would have been lighter.

I think ANYONE takes being lied to personally. If I lied to my mom about something as a kid about something I was potentially in trouble for, the punishment was way worse than what it would have been should I have been truthful and accepted the consequences.

Companies are the same way. In the hiring process if you aren't upfront or totally truthful on the background check and education/employment history, that's grounds for termination and ineligible for re-hire. They'll work with you about some things if you're honest but if not, you're gone. For example, if you have a DUI conviction, even if it's a misdemeanor, the background check only asks for felony convictions - but you better believe you have to disclose it or you most likely won't get hired.