How Much of the Severity was Personal between Goodell and SP?

First, let me say that I am absolutely shocked, like most, by the severity of the punishment on Coach Payton and Mickey Loomis. Frankly the length of suspension and the impact on Payton, the team AND the fans was outrageous. Having said that, I also believe that the Saints hierarchy needs to accept a large share of the responsibility for letting this get out of hand. The apparent lying to investigators IMO was only the straw that broke the camels back in terms of the NFL deciding on the level of punishment. It appears that they were warned about this all the way back to 2010 and the undisputed accounts are that this behavior/bounty continued into the 2011 playoffs a few months ago. That was shear stupidy or arrogance or both, but clearly the Saints held the cards to minimize the NFL's involvement and the penalties. They apparently did nothing or little and then tried to conspire to get their stories straight.

I am very angry that the Commissioner has decided to emasculate this team for 2012 and in doing so are absolutely penalizing the paying fans of this team. I am also angry that the Saints front office allowed this to continue, minimally by turning a blind eye or possibly by utter arrogance. POX to both!!!