How Much of the Severity was Personal between Goodell and SP?

He was lied to about Spygate. It spanned over half a decade of wrongdoing. The Pats denied it at first. They didn't heed the warnings given.

Yet, they get no suspensions for actually cheating. They lost a single draft pick and Belichick got off with only losing $500,000 (that compared to the 7 million Payton is going to lose).

This was more then just being lied to. This was a combination of him taking it personally, while having no personal connection to our franchise and no real value for it. If this were a major market or Robert Kraft's team we'd of gotten exactly what spygate got. Guaranteed.

Goodell is a huge hypocrite.

Yep. Same reason why a school like SMU got the death penalty and Miami's violations have thus far been swept under the rug.

It's not right. I'm not saying it's right, but that doesn't mean you forget the way things really are. It's not a fair NFL. If you think that you're someone that can't get away with a violation the same way another organization might be able to, just don't do it in the first place. Just keep your nose clean.

Like they said in the SMU documentary on ESPN, if you're going to cheat, and you're not a traditional power, you better be good at it. Whoever's cheating needs to be a tight knit group. There were too many people involved in this and that leads to people running their mouths about it.

The punishment was too much. But Payton didn't do anything to get out of his own way either.