the VG board football thread
i expect no less from you...the further away from the Superdome, the more your mind gets, you will have LSU trucknutz hanging from your Land Rover
there is still a season to be played and no matter what your neighbor with the same floor-plan(mirrored) says, this **** is not over
so crawl back into your northshore retreat and have some white wine with the couple down the road who you don't even like
First, take that lsu stuff and cram it in your cake hole.
Second, while your attempted indictment of the northshore is mostly accurate, you don't know where I live and how different the styles of houses are here. So, piffle. You know not of what you speak. And I'm sure your 60's ranch house in Metairie is architecturally unique from all the other houses near W. Metairie, isn't it.
Third, I don't socialize. You know better than that.
Besides, these fun personal attacks have nothing to do with the matter at hand. What's happening here is that people have different ways of dealing with adversity. Some of you like to pretend it's not that bad in order to lessen the pain. But that's lying to yourself, and it will only lead to more pain further down the line.
Just be a man and stop trying to console yourself with over the top optimism. If it turns out that the saints end up competing, you can be pleasantly surprised.
You can still support this team if you expect them to suck. I did it for many years. You hope for the best but realize it's longshot hoping. Being realistic doesn't make you disloyal - the opposite is true.
Even when you're consistently better than everyone else, it's very hard to win in the nfl. Sean Payton matters. How can you people be so obtuse?