I wasn't purposely ignoring those other posts. You've seen some of those. I'm just supplying some of the posts I have made where I have tried to be complimentary/supportive of Saints fans to show that my demeanor is not one sided, as you might have seen it. I freely admit that I have entered into some heated discussions. Yes, I have argued some points. As I said, I have a strong opinion that just happens to not be the majority opinion on the forum.
The distinction I am trying to make is this. There is a difference between going somewhere to start trouble, and going somewhere to engage in spirited discussion and yes...sometimes...debate. How boring would life be if everybody agreed on everything?
I realize this is a Saints forum, and I'm not here to start trouble. it just so happens that this is where the most discussion is taking place right now, and I enjoy hearing opinions that vary from my own.