Payton screwed up. Should've gotten a Lawyer.

I wasn't purposely ignoring those other posts. You've seen some of those. I'm just supplying some of the posts I have made where I have tried to be complimentary/supportive of Saints fans to show that my demeanor is not one sided, as you might have seen it. I freely admit that I have entered into some heated discussions. Yes, I have argued some points. As I said, I have a strong opinion that just happens to not be the majority opinion on the forum.

The distinction I am trying to make is this. There is a difference between going somewhere to start trouble, and going somewhere to engage in spirited discussion and yes...sometimes...debate. How boring would life be if everybody agreed on everything?

I realize this is a Saints forum, and I'm not here to start trouble. it just so happens that this is where the most discussion is taking place right now, and I enjoy hearing opinions that vary from my own.

You didn't answer my question, where are you Barred?

Also, I never said everyone should have the same opinion, but you should be respectful to others who have a differing opinion to yours. I don't know and I don't care of any other instances in which you have posted. In this particular thread on this particular forum, your initial comment to the initial poster was extremely disrespectful to him. You didn't not try to start an innocent debate with the guy; instead, you called him "a real piece of work," and you were being condescending to him. There is a right way to go about things and there is a wrong way to go about things. Your initial post was the wrong way because you initiated a conversation with hostility towards the poster, and of course his fellow fans are going to come to his aid and stand up for him. That is what Saints fans do. Though we may have differing opinions with each other at times, we are not going to let someone from another team come on here and bully one of our members who is clearly venting in this time of misfortune.