the VG board football thread

I tend to agree with this.

One thing all the Bagdad Bob's are forgetting is the player suspensions could be absolutely devastating this year as well. Tell me how we will salvage a decent season with not only our head coach but key members of our defense being suspended for 3-8 games, or more?

Will Smith

And I'm sure quite a few others..
all gone for a few games? All at once?!?!

What ****** me off the most is where is the video evidence of the Saints being dirty? I mean, if our intent was to hurt people wouldn't have we hurt a lot more people? I've seen no evidence of our cheap shots. The bottom line is the league made the Saints the sacrficial lamb for this lawsuit they are going through from former players. That along with Roger's belief Payton lied to him. Wow, does that guy have an ego.

You should just kill yourself now.

Seriously, it sucks, but you have to move on and fight. They will probably stagger the suspensions and the players will appeal the suspensions. It could drag on for years like the Star Caps thing did. By then Vilma, Smith and maybe even Greer will have retired.