the VG board football thread

Nobody is balling up and crying. You're spinning.

But of course.

I'm realistically assessing our chances and continuing to plow forward. You, meanwhile, can't handle the truth like a man. So you must distort it to something more palatable. Something your weak stature can cope with.

You can't handle the truth. You sit there in your nice, safe, cozy, north shore home balled up in the fetal position in the back of your jeep while the rest of us stand up to the man. You want Goddell to tell you what to do and when he does, you take it, ball up and ask for more. If professional football were Halo, you would be Bungie, falling back on their laurels and messing things up, while the rest of us would be 343, finishing the fight and taking it to Goddell. You don't want open world football. You hate freedom and you hate America.