Guild Wars 2

Yeah, there was some server lag when you tried to "double tap" to roll on the ground to get out of the way. I wish I could have taken screenshots but isn't playing with their NDA, they have your email watermarked in the background and shows up while playing at all times.

Thief was pretty cool, everytime you stealth it heals you, when you die you can "fight to survive" which will give you a new action bar where you can press certain abilities and heal yourself up enough to get back up. The area I was in was pretty damn chaotic, there was all kinda stuff going on between you questing/picking up quests or events happening.

I was real impressed by the game which is very rare for me to say about a BETA, I can tell you the hype is real and not just full of BS. Bioware is gonna be crapping in their pants once that game is done because there is no way SW:TOR is going to compete with that.