WWLTV Opinion piece: The time has come for NFL to show its hand

The local media should have been the one's leading the charge from the beginning.

If by some miracle the NFL has tons of actual legitimate evidence that they haven't released yet that proves their allegations, then I think most people would probably accept it an move on.

But if all they have is more of the manipulated nonsense that they've been putting out, well then they deserve everything that comes their way.

Personally I would love for the NFL just to put their cards on the table. Maybe it is horrible and damning and everything they've been claiming it to be, and at least at that point we can accept it and move it. But most likely, they've been embellishing what they have and have dug themselves into a pretty big hole.

Either way, everyone involved with this bounty situation deserves to see what the NFL actually has. It is just laughable that they don't seem to feel the same way. If they really had everything they're claiming, you would think that they would be running to the media to get it all out there.

I'm just glad some of the local media isn't beyond telling it like it is.