The ridiculous violence in N.O.

Seriously, it's waaaay past the point of rampant.

There is absolutely no code anymore, little babies, women, in broad day light, it doesnt matter. Just violence everywhere. I no longer live in N.O. but Im there almost every weekend, and I just see a culture that is continuously eroding.

This isnt like the early 90's, where it was mostly about drug organizations and power struggles around certain wards and hoods. This is little 12-16 year olds, running around like they are playing a video game.

My little cousin was killed a few months ago, 17 years old. And although I am sad that his life his lost, I dont have much sympathy because its the life he lived. He ran the streets, robbed people, and we even suspect murdered, until it caught up with him one night. And nobody can blame poverty for him, he grew up in a upper middle class family, with both his mom and dad at home, and a huge loving family surrounding him, but he was always just.....bad! And it seems like that is becoming the norm here. Just a bunch of bad *** kids. But instead of breaking windows and you normal teenage mischief, they are killing and terrorizing neighborhoods.

Just the other day a 13 year old killed a Mexican guy sitting on his porch is Mid City, 13!!!!

At 13 I was watching Power Rangers, reading comic books, and trying to get enough guts to go and talk to girls.

Sorry, just felt like ranting for a bit. It's just very disturbing. I grew up in the "hood" in Algiers, I've been around a lot of stuff, seen a lot of bad stuff go down, and I dont know if it's my old age or not (Im 30), but it is much much more unsafe then it is when I was coming up. It really is scary.

Back in the day, you pretty much knew, that if you just didnt get involved in the street game, you dont really having anything to worry about. But now, dudes will kill you just because they dont like the way you carry yourself. Or just for kicks, just to prove that they have power over your life. It's a sad state of affairs.