The ridiculous violence in N.O.

There probably isn't a singular root cause to this. It could be the constant imagery of death and crime on TV, video games, etc that creates a numbing effect. I'm sure the lack of a support system at home and in the family is part of it. It could also be a general lack of community, where people would rather keep to themselves than get to know each other. How many of us text and send emails more than we call and speak to people? My hand is raised. I'm as guilty as anyone.

As for the brats of today, it's rampant. I feel like my generation is failing when it comes to raising kids to be respectful and decent. I see it all the time with my boys friends. The friends think nothing of not only talking back to their own parents, but to me and my wife too. We have to tell the 9 yr old next door that they way he speaks to us will not be tolerated in our home. And if he doesn't like it, he is free to leave and not come over. And the general, "gotta have it now" and sense of entitlement. Geez, some parents make it tough for the rest of us to be parents.

Re: children, it's a cumulative thing that started with the boomer generation. They were raised softer and more entitled than any previous generation in this nation's history. Then they did it to their kids (Generation X) who were even worse than they were in that regard. Gen X did the same to the Millenials, except worse. The Millenials are arguably the most rotten generation of kids this nation has ever seen. If the trend holds, their kids will be even more awful.

As to violence, I think certain segments of society (mostly the uneducated and impoverished) are regressing socially in a profound way. I hesitate to use the word barbarian because of the many connotations of the word, but when you see these people casually killing each other and not thinking twice about it, it absolutely evokes the casual brutality of the viking age.