The ridiculous violence in N.O.

I don't get this - maybe you can elaborate?

You think it has less to do with poverty, but then the example you cite are poor schools in poor areas.

in a larger sense, i guess I'm having trouble seeing where poverty ends and crime begins - to the extent anyone can say, with certainty, it's one or the other.

I think it's social critical mass of all sorts of influences. Certainly including poverty and crime.

I also agree that education is the key.

Which is a major reason why the attitudes toward education - whether by the drug dealers or our equivocating politicians - bother me so much. WIth a good education, these kids have a better chance.

All of the lamenting about parenting - or lack thereof - is also valid. But there's nothing we can do about that. We can't really control parenting. But we can control education.

That's why I think it's more important to focus on education and supporting related socioeducational policies as opposed to trying to legislate parenting.

But still in all, even with education, parenting has to be there.

Parents have to enforce the schools discipline, have to make sure the kids are doing their homeworks, and have to be there to keep them on the str8 and narrow. Now adays, Parent teacher conferences resimble more Parent vs Teacher throw downs. Parents are quick to blame the teacher for their child's failures.

I was lucky to have parents who made sure my homework was done, and who valued an education. They made me feel ashamed if I didnt do good in school.

So many parents today dont even go and pick up their childrens report cards.

Its true, we can control parenting, but without it, all is lost. It's a key component to this whole thing. You could have the best teachers in the world, but if education isnt valued in your household then it wont be a primary focus.