The ridiculous violence in N.O.

My turn.

I am gonna call out my fellow brothas and sisters on this. As a community on whole, black people tend to glamorize violence and material things; $5k rims on $2500 cars, loud stereo in said vehicle, clothes, tennis shoes, stuff that depreciates over time. It seems to me that if you have some knowledge in school and can pronounce your words correctly you get called a sell out and white boy (even though I am real light), etc. As a community we have to change our view on education and want our children to have a better life, only then can we move past all this violence and destruction. New Orleans is a microcosim of the rest of the country. I am stuck here in Wichita for the next few weeks and it's the same here. It's the same in San Antonio and Houston. Its a state of mind and keeping the eye on a prize that really is attainable in a legit manner if the people simply educate themselves and get decent jobs.

good post. I think most would agree with the part of your quote I put in bold. I just wonder who has the plan and actual steps to get that in place. It seems to me that hopelessness gets passed from one generation to the next these days. I see kids that don't see that there is a better way and if I get to see there parents most of the time I don't see a person who believed they had a shot in life. There just does not seem to be the same attitude of "I want my kids to have better than me", that this country was built on.

Who has the actual road map? I know one part is we have to have better qualified and better paid teachers. I am sure we can all remember what an impact and inspiration a truly gifted teacher can have on us. But we still have to change the attitude of the parents IMO and that is a tall order.