Timothy Michael Poe’s explosive tale on ‘America’s Got Talent’ didn’t happen: Minnesota Army National Guard

FYI, when a grenade-like explosive is strapped to the end of a rocket (a rocket-propelled grenade), you react to it as a rocket, not a grenade

I have never seen someone react to an RPG by yelling grenade.

If it is "coming down on you" then we're talking 20-30 feet away, tops, since it would have to be from the top of a nearby building, and most buildings don't top 3 stories in Iraq or Afghanistan

In that case, you wouldn't yell or jump on top of anyone - you would barely have time to flinch

The story's garbage from start to finish. Not only do I believe it's a lie, I seriously doubt this guy has ever even seen an RPG fired.

I'm thinking the exact same thing.