Buying a new DSLR.Need advice.

I`m looking to get into a new Camera and have been looking at a couple of DSLR`s that seem pretty good from the reviews I have been looking at.
My camera now is a point and shoot Fuji s1800 which has great and super zoom,but I think its time to get a lil more serious.

These are the two Camera`s I have narrowed it down to.Can anyone offer any advice on which one might be a better buy.



Canon 18MP EOS Rebel T3i 18-55mm

Let me say this,,
Most of the shots I`ll be doin are daytime,some sports(for my godchild soccer).And I`m not really to worried about the Video Quality of the Camera(I have a HD Video Camera for that).
I just wanna really take good quality pics,maybe if needed with an additional lens as well.
Thanks for any help.:9:

Can't go wrong with Canon or Nikon really. If you really don't need or want video, you can get a cheaper body (like a Canon 40D) for much less and put your money into better lenses. I just want to let you know that's a good option since I sold my first DSLR within a year of getting it, then bought a better used camera/nice lenses. :)