Vitt to Rapoport: I know the rules! Do you?

Just another NFL article making us look like villains.

Uh oh, Saints coach Joe Vitt isn

The guys are moving great, moving quick,” Vitt said. “They’re intense but outstanding. I think everybody understands the CBA rules, some of the things we do are slower now. So I think we all need to understand the rules and couldn’t be more happy with where we are now.
I asked, Do you understand them?
“Yes,” he said, getting loud. “I do.”

Because the Seahawks said…
Yeah, I understand the rules,” Vitt said, interrupting my question about the Seahawks didn’t know what they were penalized for. “Do you?
I said I didn’t, because I thought he would offer his explanation of how he understands them. I really do, though. Swear.
You need to read them then,” said Vitt, his voice rising again. “If you’re going to report on our business, you need to know the rules. I’m not here to teach them to you. I’m here to teach football, not teach you the rules.
So… that’s good to know.