Classic/Popular movies you've never seen...

I've also never seen Godfather 3
fair enough - it sucked

I've also never seen Godfather 2
you should die like hyman roth

But he got on me for never have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
now i have no idea what language you're even using
never saw schindler's list - i was in a very strict no spielberg phase (came out of it for Munich and went right back in)

never saw saving private ryan

stopped watching anything remotely related to mel gibson after braveheart (not b/c of braveheart, that was just the timing)
but i did see Thunderheart which is SUCH a better movie, so everytime i see -heart while scrolling through channels, i'm like "cool" oh wait - it's the one with the anti-semetic, homophobic jackhole - pass