Classic/Popular movies you've never seen...

wow.. i think you win the thread so far, esp. considering you've never had to sit through Gump or Titanic.

Well i guess that's my point. Despite all the fruity incredulity from whoever is trying to get me to understand something by referencing a movie "everyone" has seen,

and the eyeroll when i am honest about not having seen it (instead of nodding in false recognition), these movies are not required homework any more than the ones i DID choose to invest my life watching.

Nobody HAS to watch them :) Yes there have been movies a boyfriend has wanted to go see and i didnt want to see, and he went to see them by himself like a grownup... or with other people who wanted to see them.

Don't get me wrong, i like silly stuff like I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, and Hot Tub Time Machine, and i've dug some chick flicks such as Like Water For Chocolate. I saw Domino and Smokin Aces in the theater even though i knew they'd be cheesy. It just takes something more compelling than a slick trailer and peer pressure to compel me to sit through a movie.