Saints hired former FBI director Louis Freeh to take top-to-bottom look at organization after bounty, wiretap claims

birdog, I don't think this has anything to do with Bountygate, but with the unfounded (?) report that the Superdome had been secretly wired and Loomis somehow involved.

I'm hoping it will reveal other garbage that former "disgruntled" employees and/or others with access to the team have "shared" but that would be lagniappe. Very good move.

the way I read the initial report, Benson hired Freeh to find out what's going on inside the organization.Everything.....or, all things relevant to this org are up for review. Bountygate is but one issue, the wiretapping is another one, so there are lots of things going on inside the org. Freeh will look at all of them. Then he will issue his report to Benson and Benson then has the option to make them public. Of course Freeh will have to answer all questions related to his investigations, and there lies the problem for Goodell, and the NFL.

I am 100% convinced that his report will contradict the NFL's findings, at which point the media start smelling blood, and will demand all relevant documents to be made public, to settle the issue. If the NFL won't comply, that in itself will be a huge blow to Goodell, and the NFL. There will be nothing, but one thing to deduct from their refusal.....they don't have anything to make their case.

I think Goodell is entering the final phrase of his tenure as the NFL commish.