Saints hired former FBI director Louis Freeh to take top-to-bottom look at organization after bounty, wiretap claims

One thing I don't expect....that the Freeh findings remain secret......they won't, if the accusations from the NFL are without merit.

Come on dude, of course the findings will remain secret! When has that kind of internal investigation's findings ever been made public? NEVER!

Benson would have nothing to gain from it on top of that! First, Freeh's investigation is going to take some time, probably months. By then, the season will have started. Even if Benson really wanted to bring the fight to Goodell, with all the legal back and forth, it would take a full year for any decision to be made. By then everyone would have been reinstated and we would have nothing to gain from it....other than letting this all thing being a distraction for the entire season and the superbowl hosted in our stadium.

Benson is only doing this to know what is going on in his franchise and as a PR move.