Saints hired former FBI director Louis Freeh to take top-to-bottom look at organization after bounty, wiretap claims

I think what some are missing here is Tom Benson's motivation for doing this.

As far as I can tell - Tom Benson is a very proud man. And even some times in the past his pride has gotten the best of Him... Katrina/Baton Rouge. Nevertheless, His organization has come under attack after just a few years of unpresedented success and high praise "how they aided in bringing back NOLA after the storm".

Now everything that his organization is and has done comes under attack - in a way, attacking him. Cheaters, liars, lack of institutional control... and the list goes on.

I do not see Benson just moving on from this and not making waves - which has alarmed me since this thing broke, it has seemed like he was willing to put up with what the NFL said as fact. -- that just does not sound like the Benson that we all know so well.

I think as a prideful man - proud of all that he and his organization has accomplished - and rightfully so, WANTS TO CLEAR his and the organizations name by whatever that means. If it means that he has to "clean up the Saints act" he will do that. If it means that he has evidence from these findings that are contradictory to the findings of the NFL - he will fight them with the fortitude of a prideful man trying to restore his reputation.

I think both options are on the table for why he hired the investigators - He WANTS his name back. One way or the other!

I respect Benson for it and believe he will restore his and the Saints' name in whichever way that means.