poll: Was the bounty scandal blown out of proportion?

wow, i mean i know we're are fans of the Saints but damn....people really think that this is ok. There's no proof, no evidences, no anything but words spoken and assumptions. RUMORS! and almost half of the country believes what's happening to us is fair. i mean this is crazy. it really is a guilty until proven innocent society we are living in. and regardless if the information provided checks out or not (which we know will not) the damage has already been done. But when a team actually cheats, Pats, they get a slap on a wrist, they erased actual evidences, and they have the whole thing swept under the rug in a week. boom. forgotten. with this, they are still releasing information that will never check out, constantly degrading our team, and making us look like we are undeserving of our Championship. It's CRAZY...