The ridiculous violence in N.O.

Which i didn't know I had received till almost two months later. When you get a ticket from a policeman you know right away that you need to watch your speed in that area. I truly didn't even realize that the limit dropped from 45 to 35 right there.

And i don't see how you can set a limit for blood alcohol and then just decide it doesn't apply. Thats like saying the speed limit is 45 and than giving tickets to people going 40 just "because".

Are you a policeman?

There is an old saying that says ignorance is no excuse. Unless there is some hidden speed limit signs, it is your responsibility as a driver to pay attention to speed limit signs. Especially if there are traffic signal cameras. I know here in Lafayette, the speed limit in the area of the cameras is CLEARLY marked before and at the intersections. There is no missing it. Perhaps it is not the same in your town?

Now you had a "couple" of drinks and then hopped in your car. Did you know for a fact that your limit was at .6 before you got in the car? I doubt you had a measuring device in your car so you did not know if you were legally drunk or not did you? Point is, you should not have been behind the wheel to begin with. It was a chance you decided to take. Nobody forced you to get behind the wheel. I know that oif there was the possibility of losing my job, I would have never drank or not attempted to drive.

No, I am not a cop. I am not fully aware of the laws either. I would say that police should have some leeway in determining if you were impaired or not. I know that if I were to drop two beers, I would feel it and it would affect my driving ability. I would still be far far away from the legal limit. My BIL on the other hand can drink almost non stop all weekend and you would never know but if he would blow in the machine, alarms would go off.

Point is, you are blaming others for your poor choices and actions. I am not downing you, just making the point that it is not fair to blame cops for your bad choices. Sadly, when I was younger, I drove drunk a few too many times. Thankfully, I never was caught and never harmed anyone.