Timothy Michael Poe’s explosive tale on ‘America’s Got Talent’ didn’t happen: Minnesota Army National Guard

He is an adequate singer and would probably have made the next level without having to lie. However, because he was caught in the lie, he is very unlikely to go further. The photo he used in the film was not even him.

Something just didn't sound right to me when he said he tried to protect the other troops around him when the granade exploded. That type of action would have gotten him the silver star at least.

Stealing military accomplishments and/or wearing awards not earned is a very serious offense in the military. The Chief of Naval Operations (Adm Boorda) even committed suicide because it was brought into question whether the combat V was an authorized award on one of his medals. That was a complete waste as the V was in fact legit.

I've seen a Navy Captain kicked out of the military for wearing awards he was not entitle to wear. I've seen people go so far as to wear the Medal of Honor who were never even in the military. I have heard many (too many) people claim to be Navy Seals who could not possibly have been. My daughter even dated a guy who claimed to be a Seal until I called him on it.

I don't care how good a singer he may be, I would not let him go further into the show. Just my opinion. I am a retired Naval officer.