Hope our friends in Florida are doing ok. Heavy rain in Florida

I think Pensacola had 18 to 20 inches according to the Weather Channel.

You alright out there dtc?

Got 14" of water at my house downtown. Nothing I built leaked or, if it did, I haven't been called yet, but lots of flooding. There was 3' of water on Cervantes street earlier today and had to kick it in the old H1 today to get around. I've got a couple of friends and clients that had homes/businesses flood and a church one of my guys attends in GB got really wet, as well.

Thankfully, I don't think anyone got hurt driving their cars into water up to the roofs, but tomorrow it's supposed to dump again.

The one thing I know for sure is that I'm glad the pumps on my boat work because I've got the decks up to do some work in the lazarette and it would be sitting on the bottom if the pumps died. Glad I live at +70'!

Half a mile from my house at 77' of elevation, this is Cervantes Street: