
I listen to audiobooks all the time now when I'm sitting at my desk and when I'm driving. If you have an eReader (I have a Kindle), I suggest going to Download Audio Books with Online Digital Audio Book Store. It's cheaper than buying books on CD and you literally can take all of them with you everywhere you go. My car has an aux jack (doesn't work through USB) that I can plug into my kindle to play it through the car's audio system. works by giving you one credit each month that you can use to purchase a book. The subcription is about 15 bucks a month so the math works out well if you're going to buy at least 1 book a month or if you want to buy a series. You all get a lot of different deals that make it worthwhile when you don't use the credits or there are deals that you can use with the credits. Naturally, I wouldn't use the credits on anything that cost less than $15.

Also, I find that I'll pull out my kindle and listen rather than read when I'm in public space like the airport, doctor's office, etc where low level noise is too distracting to read. I pop in the earbuds and listen to a book instead of music.

As far as book choices, I usually reserve stuff that I've been putting off for audio. I have no trouble reading stuff I know I will love or have been dying to read. The things I pick for audio are things I know I should have read by now or simply wasn't able to get into it whein I tried to read it. I find listening to it makes it easier to finish. I've tried to read "A Confederacy of Dunces" (yeah..I know, blashemy) before several times but didn't get into it until I did it on audio.