What the heck happens next? Re: Bountygate
The punishments have been handed down, nothing is going to change that.
I suspect further lawsuits will be filed ie; Fujita.
Our reputation is tarnished, but we continue to fight, i am expecting
when all is said and done at the end of the season, Roger will will have more
black eyes over this than our team.
Roger will have to play this hand, up to and including the Super Bowl, he miscalculated badly if he thinks this will go away anytime soon.
The sanctions against the Saints will have little or no bearing on the Concussion lawsuit.
As many have pointed out here, it was the treatment and advice players received
from coaches and doctors that was the problem, not the causal agent, playing football.
Since there is no game film of the Saints hurting anyone, they picked the wrong team
to make their point with anyway. Doesn't add up, IMHO.
I think other fans are beginning to see how out of line Goodell is acting. I hope
the light goes on their collective fandom brains that the same thing could happen to their team or favorite player, just because Roger says so, no proof needed.
Saints fans are now fighting for all teams and players for justification and accountability, as bizarre as that may seem.
Thanks for the post. We will never surrender.