What the heck happens next? Re: Bountygate

I have a question. Is anyone here embarrassed to be a Saints fan? I admit when this first broke, I thought, oh, no, it's going to be hard to defend this. But now, I think I'm even more glad I'm a Saints fan because something of this size would topple every single other team in this league.

Every other team (with the slight possible exception of the Patriots who have been through something, too) would implode under the weight of these "distractions". But this team -- even while missing our two top fearless leaders, Brees and Payton -- has shown no signs of doing anything but becoming a Band of Brothers. (Oh, there we go with the military analogies again. My bad).

There's going to be a lot of meatheads that are going to bait Saints fans; but this team really IS made up of what we've been saying all along and when all is said and done, this could turn out to be their finest hour.