What the heck happens next? Re: Bountygate

Hopefully the appeals work in our favor, Goodell gets canned, ESPN gets slapped somehow. But not holding my breath on any of this to occur
Yeah, none of these things will happen. However, IF enough light could be shed on how shoddy of an investigation the NFL did that led to every media outlet being incited to call the Saints everything short of baby killers, there MAY be enough pressure on Goodell because of him relying on the flimsy investigation tactics for him to step down. Nobody likes feeling duped and that's exactly what happened to the media. They were sold a false bill of goods, tho, unfortunately most don't realize it yet.

It probably won't get to that point, tho, unless it happens again where Goodell has been seen to rely on his people with some ridiculous explanations of what certain pieces of evidence or videos say.