{Thread From Yesteryear-correct link posted later in the thread}"The Saints Ain't Sinners" (op-ed by 2 AEI economists in LA Times - merged)

Oh ok, it's a matter of semantics. I picked up on the word "incentivize" in your first post and clarified that the Saints actually DID do that, just not for injuries. Tomato/tomahto, or for Goodell, tomato/bounty. :hihi:

But still, I must say, I posted this LA Times article on Facebook, and of all bounty-related links I've posted (which is a lot), this one seemed to get the most attention of my FB friends, perhaps because I have a lot of fellow academics as FB friends.

I put this with comment on my Twitter feed based on a headsup on a comment on my blog. My tweet on this has been RT'd over 70+ times, including by Scott Fujita, various NFL writers. This obviously has great interest. But I think the NFL doesn't care because it is all about the program, getting people to ignore than the NFL is inherently violent, injuring players by its nature. Once you get beyond fining what you see, but rather on differing memories, it gets sketchy.
