How to lose a court case 101...

Don't know anything about this case other than what's been in the media. There usually is a lot more going on than meets the eye.

I'm guessing that the accuser gave a pretty detailed statement / interview to the police or possibly the investigators from the DA's office. The prosecutor probably does not want to interview her because a) she could say something different than her original story (happens alot in these types of cases) which would b) potentially create exculpatory information for the defense, which in turn would c) make the DA a witness in his own case, creating a conflict for the entire DA's office and therefore necessitating a special prosecutor from another district come in and have to try the case. Another explanation is that you generally want the accuser to have some "emotional" gas left in the tank when she eventually tells her story at trial. Each time she has to relay the events again and again, she may become numb to it and just sound like an unfeeling robot on the stand (not to mention the fact that certain details of her story could change with each time she tells it).

This story, which gives the defense yet another shot at trying their case in the media, is about something that does happen in some prosecutions and is not enitrely unheard of. Smart move? Probably not - I'd want to do the interview.

Again I don't know much about the merits of the case, not taking one side or the other. Just a guess.