How can this be legal?

In 1990, I got pulled doing 85 in a 25. The officer was kind enough to bend the rules and not take me to jail (because it was Christmas morning). Fortunately for me, I had some "connections" and everything was dismissed. However, I was young and it scared me. I started driving the speed limit. It's a good habit, that has stuck. If the speed limit is 70, I set my cruise control on 70. That's plenty fast enough. I don't always agree with the speed limit, but I always drive the speed limit. For the record, that's the only ticket I've ever received in my life. Since it was dismissed, I guess I've never had a ticket. I take pride in it, and aim to keep it that way. I have no compassion for anyone who gets speeding tickets. If you don't want one -- don't speed. It's really not that difficult and, ultimately, speeding really doesn't save you that much time.