Gleason misquoted by HBO

This is more telling than anything:

Gleason also adds in his email this observation regarding the Williams speech: “In my opinion, speeches like the one given by Gregg Williams are not the cause of increased rate of brain disease in the NFL population. The increased rate of brain disease In the NFL population is caused by the way the game is played within the rules.”

WITHIN THE RULES. Get with the program Goodell.

From here:
Roger Goodell sees no gray area, no room for semantics debate in New Orleans Saints bounty investigation - New Orleans Saints Football NFL News -

But Goodell made it clear Saturday that such a line of defense carries little weight with him. He said Saints players and assistant head coach Joe Vitt have publicly admitted that their pay-for-performance program included payouts for "cart-off" hits, which meant that an opposing player was injured as the result of a clean, legal hit. And to Goodell, that's a "bounty" whether the Saints want to call it that or not.

I mean it's lunacy.