NFL gave Vilma a sworn affidavit from Gregg Williams stating Vilma offered $10k to knock out Favre

I don't think a affidavit in and of itself is damning evidence.

Its basically Greg Williams making a statement and claiming to be truthful. The question then is how trustworthy is Greg Williams statement? It could be false, it could be truthful, it could have been coerced, it might have been part of a quid pro quo (as in Goodellwould reinstate him after a year if he admited to it).

Obviously since Goddell is judge and jury and investigator, he's choose to accept GW's statement as evidence. In the court of Goodell, that enough. In a court of law, i would guess Ginsberg would have to call Greg Williams to court and put him on the stand and hope he disputes the signed statement.

Now more than ever, i see Goodell reissuing all the suspensions again. And if this is true, Greg Williams is a real ******bag for selling out his players that he put into a questionable situation.