Vilma's legal team raising questions about Bountygate whistleblower

According to one source with access to both affidavits -- the recent declarations of Williams and Cerullo -- those statements differ in one key manner: What became of the $10,000 they claim Vilma pledged for any player who knocked Vikings quarterback Brett Favre from the 2009 NFC championship game. Cerullo claims he ended up with the money and then gave it to Williams, the source said. Williams claims that, as this pledge was made outside of his "pay-for-performance" program, he was unaware of the whereabouts of any actual money and unsure of whether it was paid out. Though, as Favre was not knocked out of the game, Williams "assumes" no payments were made.

So Williams declares he is innocent and didn't touch any Favre money.
Then Cerullo declares WIlliams is not innocent and might even have kept the Favre money.

That my friends are Roger's credible witnesses.