Vilma's legal team raising questions about Bountygate whistleblower

I can't stand the nasty people who write things about Our SAINTS and what supposely went on like they have personally met with the worm goodell and they've had access to all his lies, but the thing that goes to the heart of the matter is that the worm accomplished his goals, he's weakened Our SAINTS and SAINTS FANS are in the dark on why he did this except for revenge. I for one hopes that when that worm comes to the Super Bowl, he's confronted in every restaurant, in every elevator, at the airport, etc... wherever that slimy worm slithers in the Streets of New Orleans, SAINTS FANS should make a vow that he's not able to leave his hotel room, and refuse him service everywhere he goes, let's make him stay in his room eating stale crackers and water. He must pay for what he's done to Our Team, to the Greatest Fans in the Leauge, and to the City of New Orleans and The Gulf Coast. Maybe someone could invite him on a hunting trip or a fishing trip out in the marshes or alligator hunting or hunting Russian Boars etc... Let the worm know how we feel about him and his lying ways. Just a thought