Anyone wanna dis on Governor Blanco at this point?

Also, I would add my comments might be better in a thread entitled, “What are the problems with the Road Home Program.” However, to the extent Blanco tries to get credit for the program, than she has to get the criticism. What annoyed me in particular is the way she recently made some grandstanding statement that the system must go faster (as if that alone does anything), then blames others for the delay, and gets credit by some for appearing to speed things up. The only change they have made is to now give people option to apply by phone, which simply encourages more applications rather does anything for the thousands in the system already.

If you haven’t applied by now, I can’t say I’m that sympathetic to why you haven’t. It seems they are more concerned about getting the numbers up in the applications, than getting the money to the applicants. That smells of either some sort bureaucratic, governmental reason (to do with percentage of low income applicants requirements of feds), or, perhaps, politics. I’m also guessing at the present numbers and methods for distribution, there might be a concern over using up the whole 11 billion, which would then make the delay waiting for the extra 4 billion seem silly. Don't know, just speculating.

Another topic, here, which is also unrelated, in how poor our local press is in covering these stories. For example, they did promise the money getting to the people by now, and then they went out and contracted a private company to administer the program. The obvious question that I have never heard from the press would be, “what provisions were placed into the contract to make sure they administered the claims within a certain time frame?” In fairness to that company, the problem might be more to do with the requirements being imposed on the program than what they are, or are not, doing. Of course, who knows, because a story on the road home program now simply involves a reporter repeating a homeowner complaint that it is too slow, just like before it only involved a reporter repeating an LRA representative saying how everything is going great. I personally think attorneys might make better reporters than journalism majors from what I’ve seen over the years.