NYC Marathon

Irony at its finest, these were the same people who laughed at us for having Mardigras in feb of 2006 after Katrina. I remember someone from NYC calling us idiots for wanting to party after Katrina and listed off all the problems New Orleans was facing at the time.

I don't want to sound like a you know what, I really feel for people who are going through some tough times, but now you understand and hopefully there will never be another ignorant statement again coming from those people. I remember people I know from NYC criticizing us every chance they got when we got kicked in the nuts by Katrina.

You know, this disaster didn't affect me but I am still disappointed because it seems like nobody learned from Katrina nationally except us locally on the gulf coast. When is the USA going to properly respond the a major disaster correctly? I talked to several friends in NYC, they're all mad at how bad Bloomberg is handling places like Staten Island and how terrible FEMA has responded there.

It is a shame that its been 7 years since Katrina and we're seeing almost the same terrible responses to a disaster in all places, NYC, who woulda ever thought massive blunders would occur on that national stage?