Say goodbye to Twinkies

Had to take a shot at the union. Interesting that you left out the the part where that had to accept an 8% pay cut as well as reduced benefits and no company contributions to the retirement plan for 2 years. Would you want a 25% stake in a company coming off its second bankruptcy? Present management has proven that they don't know what they are doing when that happens. This just accelerated the inevitable. Don't assume that union bakers make a lot either. There are some near me that make $12.00/hr and work 60 hrs a week.

Then quit. There is no interesting part at all about it. They were greedy and wanted more. This is the problem people only care about themselves. Hard times are here and people need to understand instead of what is happening. My wife took a pay cut and someone else's job to keep hers. Yes she is doing 2 jobs at 10% less than what she was making before.