Say goodbye to Twinkies

So in laymen terms we have a company that is struggling. Some of the employees are unionized and do not agree with the company / owner making a business decision to keep THEIR company afloat. The company / owner said “ Look we have to do this or will not be able to stay in business.” The union says NOOO, You MUST do this or else. The Owner says “***, I am done with this nonsense; fine I will just close this headache and retire, besides I am set. Kind of like when you are a kid in YOUR parents house and you try telling them what you want them to do. “My house , my rules, when you pay the bills than you can make the decisions. If you don’t like it, find a place of your own and leave.” Everyone has had this conversation with their parents. None of us left because it was better under their rules then out on the street.