Say goodbye to Twinkies

If the union did it's job, by that I mean a careful analysis of the balance sheets, it probably came to the conclusion that Hostess was just a poorly run company and all the workers are better off if the company folded and then try to get a job with whatever entity will buy up the assets to fill the market void left by Hostess leaving.

What's interesting is that the Teamsters (who cut their own deal with Hostess) apparently told the Bakers Union to re-think the strike:

The Teamsters union is urging the bakers union to hold a secret ballot on whether to continue striking. Citing its financial experts who had access to the company's books, the Teamsters say that Hostess' warning of liquidation is "not an empty threat or a negotiating tactic" but a certain outcome if workers keep striking.

No more Twinkies? Hostess asks to liquidate

Seems to me that if the TEAMSTERS think that your union has gone too far, maybe you really should back down.